Friday, November 23, 2012

Another satisfied artist!

Last week I created another gallery show for a painter. I performed all required services including picking up the artist & filling my van with her beautiful paintings, & driving us to the gallery, where we unloaded & began the process of choosing the best works to hang in the correct places for maximum effect. It is like creating a mural of flowing colour to hang each piece so that one flows into the other colourwise, but each with its own space for attention. Then I got to do all the fiddly mathematics to bang the nails into the right spots while the artist relaxed with her coffee & conferred with me on how things were looking as I went along. It is a wonderful give & take process until the pictures are on the wall. Next the labels went up at the correct height for that professional touch.
She was thrilled with the result & had a fabulous show. She sold two thirds of her paintings!
Too bad she didn't want any photography or I would be posting some images here.
Contact me if you need this type of service. Show hangings with a flat rate of approximately $250 if local & $50 hour if art moving with a vehicle is required.


  1. Hi, Margaret!

    This is Katia. I'm following your blog, but there is a long time I did come here. I like your post, and I am
    glad to see your moving nicely on!

    Hugs from Portugal. Katia

  2. Hi Katia,
    How lovely to hear from you! I'm really glad you are following my blog and enjoying visiting it. I hope you are doing well.
    Happy New Year,
