Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Art show hanging & photography service last week.

Gallery Show I hung for an artist Thurs, March 1, 2012.

The artist Lina Faroussi with her gallery show.

The south & west walls of the show.
Lina with special guests at her art show reception.

It's great for the artist to have photographs of themselves & their work such as this one I took.
I offer services for professionally hanging an art show, photographing the show, the artist with their work, the reception and individual art pieces for web or print use. Here is Lina Faroussi with her recent solo show March 2-4, 2012 which I hung & photographed. For purchasing or viewing Lina's work see www.linaartgallery.com. Contact Margaret for a quote on any of the services mentioned above.

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